Murder you say?......Good lord!!!!!
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well quite obviously this site is about the murder of an unknown mouse (his body was devourered by a cat before we finished our examination and he was found with no form of identification on him at the time of his death) and we need you to help us discover who the killer is!

Now look into my eyes look very closely! You will tell who the killer is. you will tell us!.........

Soon the swirl will move!

The History or Story Behind My Site

This site hasn't really got a history, all i know is that a mouse was killed and now we are here to clear up the mess some heartless retard (possibly that Becky girl!) has left behind, this is no laughing matter, a living creature has been murdered and i will not rest until the killer is found and get whats coming to them!

Now if you will excuse me im going for a rest, a mug of tea, and a good old fashioned nap!

My About page is also a great place to give information about others involved with my site’s topic, such as the leaders of my organization, club, or company; an ancestor; my family; and so forth.

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