Oh sweet Jesus...MURDER!
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OH MY GOD..................
Yesterday this mouse was found MURDERED!!!! inside the home of Miss H.Johnson, it was found by Becky Marshall (as she was lost and couldn't remember where she lived!). Becky had this to say about the crime "It were proper horrid, i were like OH MY GOD its a MURDER!, but then i realised that i were late for me tea so ran away!". Clearly this has been a stressful time for Becky and won't be taking anymore interviews as she is now in a mental institution off the coast of Scotland! Now we must answer the question who killed Mr. Mouse!
We'll keep you posted...........
Good day my fellow concerned citizens!
I know that now you've discovered that an insane mouse killing machine is loose in your area you will be locking your pets up extra tight 2nite, but the risk that this loonatic is going to stike again is phenominally low (113% chance of attack).So there is no need for you all to panic, just keep some kind of weapon (preferably a gun or frozen piece of meat) on your person at all times, remember if you are unsure about anything just shoot aimlessly around until something is killed!

Remember when we hear anything, we'll let you know!
Welcome To My Home/Crime Page

Welcome to our webpage, a site dedicated to the capture and inprisonment of whoever was sick enough to kill that mouse. You may be sitting at home in your extremly fun and nausiating swivel chairs laughing at the idea, or you may just be bewildered by the whole thing (if so please consult your GP). But this honestly is a serious crime which must be handeled like any other.

So please if you have any information come forward, thank you!

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